
Is a maintenance agreement really that important?

The Answer is Yes! Regular Maintenance is Extremely Important.

Preventative maintenance is intended to keep your heating and cooling system running all year long with no surprises that can be costly and unexpected. Another reason to have your system tuned-up is to make sure it's running at a high level of efficiency. What would happen to your car if you never had the oil changed or took it to the shop for a tune-up? The same is true for your home's comfort system. No matter how good or expensive your equipment is, regular maintenance is a necessity. Annual maintenance is essential to both your heating and cooling system.

Install a programmable thermostat.

Did you know that lowering the heat from 72 to 65 degrees for eight hours a day could save as much as 10 percent on annual heating costs?*

The lon ™ System Control can help you set and adjust your comfort schedule to maximize energy efficiency. That includes precise temperature control and superior humidity control in both heating and cooling modes with compatible equipment.

Then, it intelligently manages operation as conditions change, always optimizing performance.

Standard thermostats, even with Wi-Fi, simply do not offer those advanced capabilities.

Benefits of Annual Heating & Cooling System Maintenance.

What can you expect from your tuned-up HVAC system? Some benefits of regular maintenance are immediate while others help future problems from developing. However, the question you should ask is "is the cost of maintenance really worth it?" Here are some of the benefits included in keeping your system tuned-up:

Fewer Repairs: Having a trained professional examine your system on a regular basis will help find potential problems like a clogged coil, dirty filter or leaks that if left unchecked can result in expensive repair bills.

Lower Energy Bills: You might think that your system is running just fine but have you looked at your utility bills recently? A neglected system slowly loses its ability to keep your home comfortable uses the same level of efficiency it once did. Just like an automobile delivers better gas mileage after a tune-up, your heating and cooling system utilizes less fuel after receiving professional maintenance.

Family Safety: If your furnace develops a crack in the heat exchanger, carbon monoxide gas can escape and poison the air you breathe. An electric short circuit can cause a serious fire hazard if ignored. Your family's safety is one of the best reasons to have regular maintenance completed.

Longer Equipment Life: One malfunctioning part on your furnace or air conditioner can lead to a domino effect down the road. The chances of this happening are less likely when you have a professional technician performing regular maintenance each season. Regular maintenance can add years to the lifespan of your equipment.

Gold Star Program

Twice a Year $240 Annual


  • Clean Indoor and Outdoor Coils
  • Repair fraying wires or bare copper spots
  • Tighten any loose fittings and connections
  • Test Capacitors, contactors, defrost boards to ensure proper operations and isn't weak
  • Measure amp draws on all moving parts I.E. Outdoor Fan motor, Compressor and indoor blower
  • Make recommendations on any fixes needed to be made and quote the jobs
  • If unit is in warranty and anything minor is wrong with system, parts will be replaced with no additional labor charge
  • If unit is in warranty and anything major is wrong with system there will still be additional labor charges
  • For units not under warranty and we service them twice a year, after the 2% clean and check is performed the customer qualifies for a 10% discount on all qualifying services

Silver Star Program

Once a Year $120 Annual


  • Clean Indoor and Outdoor Coils
  • Repair fraying wires or bare copper spots
  • Tighten any loose fittings and connections
  • Test Capacitors, contactors, defrost boards to ensure proper operations and isn't weak
  • Measure amp draws on all moving parts I.E. Outdoor Fan motor, Compressor and indoor blower
  • Make recommendations on any fixes needed to be made and quote the jobs
  • If unit is in warranty and anything minor is wrong with system, parts will be replaced with no additional labor charge
  • If unit is in warranty and anything major is wrong with system there will still be additional labor charges
  • For units not under warranty and we service them twice a year, after the 2% clean and check is performed the customer qualifies for a 10% discount on all qualifying services

Bronze Star

Only Filter Changes And Freon Check

Only Certain Businesses are offered this. No Residential Customers. Price Varies and Requires a custom quoteh3>